Urban Greening

Connecting people with people, and connecting people with nature is at the heart of what we do. The right green infrastructure in the right place delivers multiple environmental, social and economic benefits.

We are experienced in weaving urban greening into the most urban of neighbourhoods. We delight in finding the smallest opportunity to introduce greening.

We have worked at a strategic scale commissioning green infrastructure audits for business improvement districts (BIDs) - helping to set out a baseline position from which progress can be measured over time.

We have established in-house gardening teams and activities within BIDs and are experienced in managing this function. An added benefit from this approach is the opportunity it presents for involving the local community in active gardening activities.

We have extensive experience of delivering a wide range of green infrastructure projects - at ground level through tree planting on streets and adjacent public spaces, through in-ground sustainable drainage projects, vertical greening on walls and hoardings and green roofs.

We can help you identify opportunities for incorporating urban greening into your neighbourhood, develop your greening strategy and advise on suppliers and designers and oversee the implementation of projects.


Place Strategy


Programme Management